English wine, long described by those with a fondness for unoriginal humour, as an oxymoron, is gradually reversing its reputation as the source of tart and over-priced wines.
Global warming, internationally trained winemakers, and focus on better-suited varietals all play their part in this re-appraisal.
Under the rather formal corporate umbrella nomenclature of English Wines PLC, Chapel Down is based at Tenterdon in Kent and continues to impress with a range where both still white and sparkling wines are starting to show real class.
A well named and nicely rounded wine from winemaker Owen Elias, the Flinty Dry is made from a blend, the mainstay of which is the Bachus vine variety.
English wine, long described by those with a fondness for unoriginal humour, as an oxymoron, is gradually reversing its reputation as the source of tart and over-priced wines.
Global warming, internationally trained winemakers, and focus on better-suited varietals all play their part in this re-appraisal.
Under the rather formal corporate umbrella nomenclature of English Wines PLC, Chapel Down is based at Tenterdon in Kent and continues to impress with a range where both still white and sparkling wines are starting to show real class.
A well named and nicely rounded wine from winemaker Owen Elias, the Flinty Dry is made from a blend, the mainstay of which is the Bachus vine variety.