Learn more about 1989 White Burgundy Read more
The bicentenary of the French Revolution produced was an outstanding wine vintage for white Burgundy, being a small crop of concentrated fruit: The wines were perfectly ripe, rich without being unbalanced, and stuffed full of fruit and extract.
Though acidity was a little low, the structure and balance of these wines meant that they could keep for an unusually long time. The best examples were fabulous wines in a full-bodied style, some were a little top heavy and almost all were at their best in the mid or late 1990s.
White Burgundy 1989 - The Weather
The winter was mild and was followed by an early spring with bud break and flowering occurring 2 weeks earlier than normal. July and August were very hot and dry and this resulted in a very early harvest, which began on September 13th.
Alcohol levels were universally high and allied with combined with the low acidities caused some of the village wines to be unbalanced. However higher up the scale the quality is very high with impressively rich and opulent wines being produced.